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Ubrith is a companion of Ekezenthal, Zuumont, et al. Though, she is best known for her quest to destroy Spiral Doom after it killed her lover, Jarvelos, her story is a long and interesting one.

She described as a quiet girl with golden skin, black eyes, and long, luxurious black curls. Her outfits all tend to be fairly gauzy. She has a cactus ferniliar, and was a specialist in Water Elemenstation.

Early Life

Ubrith was born and raised in Terle, in the city of Kaladira, located in the former region of Kelembad. Ubrith's mother was part of the harem of one of the wealthiest men in the city, and she was raised amidst the splendour of his household.

At a young age, it was observed that Ubrith had the Knack for Elemenstation. She was quickly enrolled in the Cerulean Citadel so that she could learn the arts of High Elemenstation from the masters of the field.

The School Years

Life at the Cerulean Citadel was not unpleasant for the young and beautiful Ubrith. It was here where she met Jarvelos, the young man who would become her lover.

Jarvelos was actually a young instructor at the Citadel, specializing in Water Elemenstation. He was the Water Elemenstor whom she was assigned to learn from when she selected her specialization. Ubrith found the wiry narcoleptic to be charming, and a romance soon bloomed between the two. Fortunately, romantic liasons between students and teachers was never frowned upon at the Citadel, ever since the Ukriel the Wise and Lusty Incident.

It is during these years that Ubrith would also befriend a young Zuumont, whom at the time was known as a practicioner of Harmless Elemenstation.

The Hierarch Wars

During the Hierarch Wars, Ubrith travelled with Zuumont, Ekezenthal, and her lover/teacher Jarvelos in an epic quest to rid the world of Dark Elemenstation. Sadly, in Book 11, Jarvelos is killed by Spiral Doom, one of The Eight Elemental Constructs. Ubrith parts company with her companions to hunt down and exact vengeance upon the twisted Air Construct, and spends the rest of the book persuing it.

Strangely, she doesn't appear in Book 12, and her story is never resolved.

Do to the unresolved threads surrounding this character in canon literature, she is the central character in several works of Fan Fiction, such as Ubrith: The Untold Adventures and Chasing Death, which attempt to bring closure to her story line.

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