

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 8 months ago
elothtes :: timesorc'ley (full)
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Also known as Chronosorcelry, but only by Chronosorcellors.

The act or practice of manipulating timenes, a practice which may be distinct from Temporal Elemenstation.

When most think of timesorc'ley, they of course think of Banachronation, the act of travelling back in time. Banachronation is often the last skill mastered by students of timesorc'ley. The Master Chronosorcellors hold that this is because of the sheer difficulty of banachronation and its potential for abuse by the young and foolhardy. In fact, the opposite is true, as there is nary a skill at the disposal of a young chronosorcellor that is of less consequence. It is commonly thought that this is a ploy by the master chronosorcellors to keep enrollment high in their departments.

More useful acts of Timesorc'ley includes the mildly dangerous power to generate time gas.

Timesorc'ley Spells and Enchantments

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