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The Impossible Spire
See Also: The Vampyric Wars. Unlight War
A twisting spiral of rock thrust up through the foothills of the Howling Mountains where they slide slowly into the valley known as the Chasm of Eternal Sorrow. This passage from The Lost Tales of Shattered Kelembad describes it best:
Rising over seven hundred squith* the spire twisted and spiraled its way into the sky, writhing as it burst forth from the rocky ground. Its trunk contorted into figures of eight, doubling back upon itself, tying great stone knots before terminating in an accusatory, prodding finger. The great mass hung in a long, ponderous arch poised as though at any moment it would topple and shatter onto the bare ground below.
"What in the Vuks is that!" The taller of the two figures placed a hand upon the shoulder of the shorter.
"That, my Son, is The Impossible Spire" -- From The Lost Tales of Shattered Kelembad.
As we know from later events, this is the dread rock where Mo-pi, the most powerful General in Lord Vhadxi's army was finally stopped, impaled on the end of the twised hunk of stone.
* Clearly the phrase "over two clospecscions" doesn't sound nearly as Epic.
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