
The High Speech Of The Low-Elves

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 7 months ago

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The High Speech of the Low Elves

One of the most ancient tongues in Battal, this is the language in which the eldest of High-Elves would speak on ceremonial occasions, such as the opening of a Dragonapple wine press, the eve of the Son Festival, or talking smack about the High-Elves. Modern Low-Elves are known to variously speak The High Speech or Plaincommon, depending upon which they have forgotten at any given time.

The language consists completely of vowels, and no matter what language it is translated into, it requires a minimum of three pages of written text to transcribe the simplest of greetings (as demonstrated in Book 7). Some revisionists have had the audacity to change uu into w, trading the language's fragile but oh-so-haunting beauty for crude convienence.

The Writing Systems of The High Speech Of The Low-Elves is expounded upon by Appendix B of the Tales of Yorn.

The language itself is only predated among the elves by Arcane Elvin Language and was one of the very first offshoot dialects. Unlike the AEL, the High Speech is not commonly known among other elvin factions, but strangely, the minotaur have demonstrated a strange proclivity for it.

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