
Something Wicker This Way Comes

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Something Wicker This Way Comes

by: William Princeton, 2004

Style and Background

Something Wicker This Way Comes was published by Realmworlds Publishing in October of 2004 in a attempt to "fill out" Epic Legends Of The Hierarchs: The Elemenstor Saga. At the time of its writing, Tycho Brahe, the author of the Elemenstor Cycle, was unable to write, or perhaps unwilling, due to his increasing dependency on alcohol and narcotics for inspiration. Instead Realmworlds looked to William Princeton, an intern office boy at the publishing house. Figuring that they could sell a book regardless of its literary content if it held the Elemenstor Cycle name, Realmworlds asked William to write a gory and fast-paced explanation for the space of time between Book 3 and Book 4 (during which the Second Great Elemenstation War occurred).

For some unexplained reason, Something Wicker This Way Comes was written in an Epic limerick style--the only known published work in this style. Described by some critics as "Little Bo Peep meets Kill Bill," or "a mash up of Monster Squad, Ghostbusters, Van Helsing, Saving Private Ryan and Grimm's Fairy Tales." Rumors abound of an eventual movie deal.

The Elemonstrosity charged

Its attack and then through the door barged,

But Gavement was ready:

His foe was unsteady

And took wounds refreshingly large.

--Something Wicker This Way Comes, Chapter 13



Featured prominently in Something Wicker This Way Comes is the protagonist of Books 3 and 4, Gavment Rayling. Gavment is an exceedingly short, novice Fire Elemenstor. Gavment, flush with the defeat of Xoxor Xxar, thinks that all of his troubles are over and he can go home and drink himself into a stupor. However before he can truly establish himself in the tavern, the Wicked Wicker unleashes its numerous horrors. Gavment probably wouldn't have even noticed, except one of the Wicked Wicker's recruitment circus troops tried to kidnap him. In the process, they manage to break all of the ale barrels in his favorite tavern. In a fit of rage Gavment destroys the circus troop and vows to extract his full vengeance upon the Wicked Wicker. The Wicked Wicker, in a burst of brilliant tactics, tries to buy off Gavement with an ale distillary, but by the time Gavment is found, he has taken up with Lyta A'lon wielder of the Triskaidekaphilia.

Gavment seems to be pretty taken with Lyta, often times refering to her as "his Amazon Woman," though she seems rather oblivious to his advances, and Gavment takes the lack of rebuff as tacit consent of his imagined budding relationship. The prusuit of Lyta becomes the primary motivating factor for Gavment and throughout he becomes more and more hopelessly devoted to her.

Most of the middle of the book is devoted to Lyta recruiting adventures, heroes, and layabouts to assist her in her attempt to "Save the World you dimwits!" She uses several different techniques to bring people to her aid, by far the most effective method turned out to be outright intimidation.

Once Lyta felt that she had collected a large enough group to challenge the Wicked Wicker, the book turns back to the action, as the motley crew goes on a violent killing spree through the Wicked Wicker's teritory.

Eventually, much of their party is picked off one by one, but the tide turns suddenly when much of their peasant reinforcements coming to resupply them suddenly experience The Great Elemenstruation, and develop the Knack. It sounds lucky for Lyta and Gavment, but Gavment himself was highly distrubed by the sight of the group Elemenstruation, and the image burned into his brain is what led him to drown himself in alcohol as soon as the conflict ended.


Sorry about the long wait in getting this post up. I almost gouged my eyes out several times trying to read through this incredibly horrifying writing style. In the end I had to resort to wearing impact resistant lab goggles (they should package those with the book). But here it is, its not done yet, but if anyone has any exerpts from it on hand, I'd love for you to put them up. -Jon
I do like the style of this book but as mentioned by Jon it is rather opaque. A more complete plot synopsis needs to be put together. -bfg00
Does anyone have a more complete main character list than what is currently here? I know there are more, I'm just having problems extracting the important ones from the text. -bfg00

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