My self-appointed task in the Wiki is to browse the Broken Links and Most Wanted pages for anything that looks interesting, then search the Wiki to see how others are representing it, do some research in the various ELotH:TES materials I have collected and then write a page or two, or three, or however many it takes. Occasionally I get sidetracked into specific areas, but generally you'll find me all over this thing like a bad rash. I also have a habit of fixing any spelling mistakes I notice. I also have a penchant for being far too wordy at times, just check the flashbacks for this page to see what I mean.
Don't Bore Us, Get to the Pages
So yeah. In short form, you can tell I'm a fan of really bad puns because I'm totally going to this you off right now; My first contribution was this, not the actual page itself but most of the pages linked off it. Then I wrote this, this, this, most of this from Tim's stub page, this, this and of course filled out a red link with this, then I fixed a typo on this, fixed up the formatting on each of the Yew Bows* pages, added this and this and fixed up some more formatting, added this, messed around with this (Wrote about Balls a bit), couldn't resist writing this, fleshed out some of this element's abilities, fixed up the formatting on this, fixed a typo on this which is one of the funniest things I've read in a while, wrote about this, felt obligated to write this and then this and pretty much just worked on this after that; not the actual page but most of the pages linked off it which includes stuff like this which isn't linked off it. Can I also just say that this, which I believe asura wrote almost entirely is something that is pretty darned Epic. Oh yeah and I also wrote this too. I've been known to update the Broken Links and Most Wanted pages too.
Random Pages I Have (More-or-Less, Mostly) Written That Defy My Current Categorisation Scheme
Coding for the Wiki
I applied my coding skills thus:
A Tree View of Interconnecting Pages That I Have (More-or-Less, Mostly) Written
This probably isn't a comprehensive list, I just wanted to make a tree of interrelated pages that I've worked on in some way, just because, you know, it's cool to look at it this way. Pages in italics were not written by me but are included for the sake of completeness or accuracy.
- Blee (Fleshed out by Tim and others, but not me)
- Death (Added the following abilities)
- The Three Generals of the War Men And One Exulted Highest Bloodchieftain
Some Non-ELotH:TES Things I Enjoy
- Donnie Darko
- Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)
- Terry Pratchett (The Discworld Series)
- Metallica
* Management apologises for "this" or any apparent lack thereof
** The Sisterhood would say that only non-elemental lead plumbing causes LeSyDi.
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