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Orphaned at a young age, Shanari was raised in Graha by a tribe of female ninja assassins known only as the Unseen Ones. She quickly became their deadliest and sexiest ninja, earning the title of Hem'alshin.

Unseen One doctrine is to use whatever feminine wiles are necessary to assassinate a mark, but Shanari could never bring herself to do so. She found herself tired of braggarts and nobles, her routine marks. Her heart longed for a diminutive, learned, and socially awkward young man, Lledwin of Exfentia. Unfortunately, she planted a dagger between his shoulders while attempting to kill his father, the Earl of Yymp. Heartbroken, she found consolation in the arms of her fellow female ninjas.

This deadly, sexy, greased ninja is the subject of the upcoming Erotic Blade of Shanari series of adult graphic novels.

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