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Rivers of the Sword

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 4 months ago

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Rivers of the Sword



An ElemenstorLance novel set in the FaeriWraithe Lands. The bulk of the action takes place in and around a grouping of rivers actually known as the Rivers of the Sword.

The Rivers

The Rivers of the Sword are the culmination of 9 large rivers, with two even larger rivers leading out.

In-Flowing Rivers

(the Veltani Grave Irrigation Project having been unusable for years)

Out-Flowing Rivers

  • the Lonely Lagoon Major: (traveling south)
  • the Lonely Lagoon Minor

The Lonely Lagoon Minor, a lake (of sorts) is most popular for being the home of the final battles of the Great War of Magiks and Things as seen by S'yrf'yl the Immortal, but was also the residence of Dommelham Gentral. The river is so named because of the magical properties of the ore found at the bottom of the lake (of sorts) which people ascociate (perhaps erroneously) with the magic of magic swords, but it is nonetheless the ore that attracted Dommelam Gentral and which he used to forge the Weapons of the Elements. The two rivers headed south (which were once a single river before the water levels dropped) form a delta (of sorts) known as the Delta of the Sword. Previously the home of Dommelham Gentral, this delta is now the home of the feared Nightstand of Twelve Shadows. The city of Port of the Rivers of the Sword was previously situated in the west between the River of Lots of Water and the Artificial Memorium River, but was destroyed in the Great War of Magiks and Things. It is rumored that The Sword of Detecting an Antisundering lies nearby.


asura To my recollection, even though the book is named Rivers of the Sword, it takes place in Blee (or as it was called then, Bron, where Brothic made his last stand against yet another multicultural alliance) and has little to do with the place in the FWL known as "The Rivers of the Sword". The book is so named because S'yrf'yl dredges the R'll'b'gsw'd from the murky depths of the S'wft'flw River and rallies the forces of Battal under its epic presence... and during his epic final duel with Brothic, loses it in Lake Grinswood... which still does nothing to explain why the sword had still not yet been forged by Gragnakas.

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