

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 9 months ago

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Quilpay, Like Quilp Mix't With Day

The major holiday of the Quilp is Quilpay, created by the great goddess Quilpma as a showcase for all of the Quilp deities to shower gifts unto the Quilp. It is also the day they're allowed to "cut loose" and "really tear some cow ass." Quilpay occurs three times a month, on the first, second, and third Svundays. The first Quilpay was the day Quilpma met Quilpda, which is described in the short story What the Quilp?

Currently, the day is more notable for the increase in shoe exporting than anything else. Quilpboi celebrates Quilpay by lowering the prices in his tea shop; Quilpa offers a free glass eye with every purchase of 20 Quilder's worth of equipment; Quilpo goes on a rampage, meaning it's time to get out all the stuff you need fixed and put it on the rooftops, that Quilpo's magical Stream breath should fix it right up.

Visitors to Quilpopolis on Quilpay are offered sweet treats and whatever cheeses they can safely eat.

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