Quarternary Elements

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Quarternary Elements

While techinically elements most people don't think of them as such. Elemenstors are expected to learn all of them at the College of Elemenstration, however there are a hundred and twenty quarternary elements shown in the various canon sources and few Elemenstors can remember them all.

Typically the reason an Elemenstor devotes themself to the study of a quarternary element is because it's an easy way to become Grand Elemenstor of an element. Generally the Grand Elemenstor of Alcohol is considered to be the head Wasted Elemenstor.

Also See: diselemenstal, Complete List of Elements


And if you have the information available, please place the elements you've added to their proper position in the Elemental Classifation Chart. -asura
I've removed the list of quaternary elements here to advoid the confusion that it was creating regarding tertiary/quaternary elements. All the items on the list can be found on the Complete List of Elements page. -Quizatzhaderac