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Propitious Opportune

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Propitious Opportune

The great hero of The Burnten'ed Times, Propitious Opportune was born in a simple Mudfarming village in the eastern outskirts of Portund. He lived a life of complete obscurity and of absolutely no regard whatsoever until one fateful day at a village meeting, when in the wake of the Burning of Portund, the elders were discussing what could be done about the ravages of the evil Rhaja Lord and his army of horrific Jujufied Creatures. The elders had decided that organized rebellion was the only way to topple the Rhaja Lord, and that volunteers would be needed to raise an army.

"We needeth brave'd men for volunteerings," spake Elder Dooin, "a greate and brave soul to leade this rebelliousness... to organize an efforten'ing of Great Unification of beings to wagen a Greate Battlen'ing agai'nst the Rhaja Lord. Who shall do whis?"

The crowd, which hade twittered exciteden'ly with greate anticipationes, fell into a deathley silence. The lad Propitious Opportune, who were quite deafe in his earses, strained to listen unto the Elders.

"Have none of you heard me?" asked Elder Dooin, in teares.

Propitious, who had not heard the Elder, raised his mud-soaked hand to ask the Elder to repeate. But he had not even a chance to spake, for the crowde of Peons, Mud Farmer, and less-than-brave'n warriores shouted and rejoicen'ed, hoisting Propitious high above theyere heads in celebration'ness.

-- Ulfulaz the Historian, Tales of Yorn, Appendix D

And so the leader of the Great Rebellion of the Unified Rebels of the Free Lands of Most of the Shield was born. So inspired were warriors of afar by the bravery of a simple mud farmer, that they came from leagues and leagues away to gather beneath his banner and fight as good proud men against the forces of evil and nastiness.

After this day, Propitious would embark upon a Great Journey of Two Months of Great Joinification'ing wherein he would recruit a great force unto him, that would unify the forces of Men, Eagles, Skarhs, with a smattering of other races including brave troops of wood-archers, Dwarves, and the heroic twin Minotaur brothers, Haul and Gaul. Despite it's name, the journey lasted three months.

But truly, this journey is not one to be told in the story of Propitious Opportune, but to be continued in the account of the one whose charisma and sheer powers of persuasion truly turned the tide of The Burnten'ed Times.

"Why should we flock to this peasant's banner," sneered Knight Kringus, "and stick our necks out for his filthy unwashed people when we could just ride east to taste the exotic flavors of the Wang Kingdom?"

"Oh, I'd bet you've tasted your share of Wangs already, you cowardly arseholder!"

Kringus turned to face his accuser and, seeing Garvey, grabbed him by his collar and shook him violently.

"And why would some bedraggled Mud Farmer wish to commit suicide with such words?"

"Not me, Sir..." stammered Garvey, pointing at the rusty lance in his other hand, "it was him!"

This pivotal figure is of course...

Duane, the Magical Talking Lance.

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