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Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 5 months ago

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The One and Only True to Taste Element of Peanut

Tied with Earth, Life, and Water

Peanuts are a species in the pea family Fabaceae, containing unusually tasty legume hidden in underground pods. Peanuts are often called earthnuts, goobers, goober peas, pindas, pinders, manila nuts and monkey nuts. Being deee-licious add-on to beer, peanuts are popular worldwide.

In Battal, the Element of Peanut is one of the Quarternary Elements, deriving from elements of Earth (as they are growing underground) Life (being plants and all), and Fire, as you want to drink something after it. Because of those basic affinities, peanuts are a symbol of the unity of the world, and used in many rituals of various cults, as well as components of spells. Elemenstors of Peanut are known as Honeyroasters

Another variety of peanuts is naturally occuring peanut butter, appearing in southern Sickle, and mined by Dwarves, who sell them to Merchants of Sh'kers who, in turn, distribute them world wide, packed into shiney jars. Peanut butter is also used as an ornamentation, aphrodisiac, universal cure, cloth, musical instrument and, last not least, material to make shields.

It is an historical curiosity that Magic Sword Kings of the line of Ronard all have an inherited severe peanut allergy which ultimately came into play with Ronard's Very Large Enchanted Spikey Hammer.

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