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orphan pages

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 4 months ago

Orphan Pages

These are pages not referenced by any page in the Wiki. Should they be deleted, or incorporated?

King Nonexistant could probably be deleted.
Contributor pages are actually listed here too, I've tried to remove the ones that I spotted. I've spotted a few others that aren't really orphans either, so do a search before you nuke a page.
I've removed the contributor pages. I've also marker the redirects and pages with no information (I was charatible in my determination of that), those cases seem pretty clear. Also we should probably defferntiate between pages with absoulty no references and ones with just catagorical ones. - Quizatzhaderac
Save all the redirects (and the Unlinkable, because I think it's funny. And no, it's not mine). Some of the redirects may be useful and take up no space. -patkelly
I agree about the Unlinkable being funny, but shouldn't its integrity be maintained by leaving the link off of this page, too? ~Shadowtext
It gone. -Lone Pawn
The Holy Sisters of the Sacred Sink is linked off the Elements page. I ended up adding a bunch of related stuff, so I went the whole hog and linked it off the Organizations page too -Simon

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