octahedric hyperprism hypothesis

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Octahedric Hyperprism Hypothesis

See also Elemental Classification System

Many fans have noted that, while Blood and Unlight may be corporally similar to their corresponding primary elements (as described by experienced Dark Elemenstors, see Dark Elemenstation), the functionality of the Dark Elemenstation is full perversion of part of elemenstation. The Blood elemenstation, given it's powers of body and mind control, power over the undead (which is a twisting of both Life and Death elemenstation) and the infurnal (a perversion of both Carry and Stream elemenstation), it is sometimes seen as the dementing of the four secondary forms into a single field of madness. Similarly, Unlight twists the primary four elemenstations into shadow where they erode away. As such, fans have developed the octahedric hyperprism theory of the Dark Elemenstation, in which the primary and secondary forms of elemenstation form two octahedric hyperfaces that exist at the external base hyperplanes of a four-dimensional prism. The four primary elemenstation forms are thus four of the corner points of the octahedric hyperplane at one end, and the four secondary elemenstation forms are thus four of the corner points of the octahedric hyperplane at the other end of the prism.

Similar to the line topology, this allows for four additional points. Logically, the Blood elemenstation represents a dark corner of the secondary elemenstation octahedral hyperface, and the Unlight elemenstation represents a similar dark corner of the primary elemenstation octahedral hyperface. By this topology, there must exist a light form of primary and secondary elemenstation. For the secondary elemenstations, this is quite obviously Heart, which gives the similar power to glorify and imbue natural forces within the living, dead, inanimate and animated beings. Logically, there must be a similar counter to Unlight. Controversially, some prominent fan theorists have hypothesized that this final force of ultimate creation is The Unspeakable, which they imagine is a force that simply maintains the continued existence of the universe. The apocalyptic destruction and mental instability associated with The Unspeakable is caused by actions that weaken the fabric of this force. They defend the relationship between Heart and The Unspeakable by pointing to the similarly unobtainable, obtuse, mysterious natures of The Unspeakable and Heart, and redefined Dark and Light elemenstation as "Forcing" and "Binding" elementstation.

Such prominent fan theorists are considered lunatics.

This system of classification implies that Heart is actually the fouth dark element. This fact is used simultaneously by those on both sides of the debate. Proponents of the theory take view it as blindingly obvious, once you have seen it, that Heart was the fourth Dark element all along. Those who still have a grip on their sanity, however take this view as proof positive that octahedric hyperprism hypothsians have gone completely bonkers.

An important extrapolation of the hyperprism theory is that each primary elemenstation directly corresponds to a secondary elementstation, just as Blood and Unlight correspond as the Forcing elements. Each is connected to the opposing element by an edge on the hyperprism. In this system, Heart and the hypothetical missing element, possibly The Unspeakable , are the linked Binding Elements. Similarly, Water and Life are the linked Feeding elements, Stream and Air are the linked Driving elements, Carry and Earth are the linked Still elements, and Death and Fire are the linked Destroying elements.

Further extrapolations have attempted to position the various Ur-Elements and Ur-Ur-Elements with the hyperprism, particularly considering the 2 octahedral and 8 prismatic hyperfaces that contain the hyperprism. The problem is that the prismatic hyperfaces have no sensible meaning - the hyperface constructed with the vertices being Fire, Air, Death, Stream, Heart, and The Unspeakable could be just about anything.

The most excepted theory on the Ur-Ur-Elements is that they are not part of the hyperprism, but _the very dimensions_ that define the hyperprisms existence. This theory is well liked because it explains the relationships of the various elements very well.

Under this theory, the primary elements exist at +1 in the Timenes Dimension, and the secondary elements exist in at -1 in the Timenes Dimension. That is to say that the primary elements apear as a plain three-dimensional prism in the +1 plain of the Timenes dimension.

It is believed that the reason the high elemenstors treated the cardinal elements as primary is that they are the elements seen in the facets of the Star Born Crystal when viewed in positive time. It is claimed that the secondary elements apear in the crystal in place of the primary elements if viewed backwards in time.

There is a lot of controversy on this matter, as Yolanda Keyan is said to have done just that: peared through the crystal backwards in time and seen the secondary elements in place of the cardinal elements. Yolanda Keyan was a major character in the Elemenstor Web Comic. While the comic is considered Canonical, supplemental strips created by the comics editor Sweater Man Phil are disputed. It is in one of these disputed strips that Yolanda peers through the crystal backward. See The Web Comic Canonicity Dispute.

Well... we prefer lunoctics first of all... and secondly, of course a hyperface construct of Fire, Air, Death, Carry, Stream, and The Unspeakable would be meaningless in the muddled post Darkstorm world, but being that it is the eastern face it is obviously the Eir hyperface. This explains nicely why the Sjkarblae are so attuned to these specific elements. It's really obvious that they were planning this from the beginning once you notice it. By the way.. does anybody have that diagram that shows the relationships and faces? I lost mine. -tim
A start to illustrating these relationships is to diagram the inner and outer elements, which I have done on the Elemental Classifation Chart using the same publication (Madsen) which mapped the hyperprisms. It's just a work in progress at this point, but it's a start, and identifies the face elements. -asura

Taken from chapter 7 of Bjorn Z. Madsen's seminal 1998 work, "Fictional Grand Unifying Theories". -- Laurie
Holy moly that looks cool. I'd only read about the hypothesis when I'd wrote this, and hadn't actually seen the diagram before. You did an awsome job finding that -- Pxtl
Now that we have the face relations and should be able to flesh out the other Ur-Element entries. Thanks, that was I was missing! -tim
Err... isn't that a bi-pyramidal hyperprism? -Luggage
Octahedric would be eight sides, so both work. You could always go with Bi-pyramidal octahedric hyperprism if you want. -TychoCelchuuu
Preceding the name of a geometical figure normally found in three dimensions, such as a prism, with the prefix "hyper" denotes a four dimensional analogy of that three dimension figure. For instance, W squared plus X squared plus Y squared plus Z squared equals 1 is the equation of a four-dimensional hypersphere. Nowhere above can I find any mention or indication of any figure bearing remote resemblance to a hyperprism of any type. Indeed, most of this topic seems to be a subset of graph theory, rather than a foray into four dimensional topologies. -Abrakadabra the Elemenskeptic
Yep.. graph theory simplifies things. That's actually what they did for the Pen and Paper RPG system of elements.
No, octohedric hyperprism is an accurate description of the shape. A three-dimensional prism is two identical two-dimensional objects, seperated along the third dimension, with their vertices connected. For example, a cube can also be described a square prism. A Hyperprism is correspondingly two identical three-dimensional objects, seperated along the fourth dimension, with their vertices connected. An octohedric hyperprism is the shape shown in the illustration above. Now, a hyperoctohedron, on the other hand... nevermind, I'm already tired of cleaning up exploded brains. But you are right about graph theory--the whole thing probably would be simpler if described in those terms. --5thEarth
The two figures aren't connected via geodesics. Prisms' generating figures are. Or is the multidimensional topology in which the elements exist so distorted that those curved lines INDICATE a geodesic? We should make a page... -Abrakadabra the Insufferable Know-it-All
Those curved lines are indeed meant to indicate a geodesic, but for purposes of the diagram are depicted as curved lines.
Heart is controversial, but perhaps more controversial is that the heart point in this theory is actually an element known as "Dark".. the primary element of Dark Elemenstors.