Mycho Eharb

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Mycho Eharb

Born 23,333 into a middle-class family of Terle.

Even as a boy, Mycho is described as having fits of alternating extreme rage, and flashes of brilliant insight. His gift for word craft enabled him to secure a position as scribe to Lady Gimba and apprenticed himself as a Carry Elemenstor. Ultimately his slumps of depression and self loathing distanced him from his peers and he took to spending long hours high alone in the dustbin closet that he called his own. The time was not mispent however.

Eharb penned the Somewhat Epic Trilogy: Hot Times on Little Earth, a trilogy of Epic popularity in Battal. But the series brought him fame. More fame than his stunted social skills could afford him. People assumed that his quickness with a pen and sharp multilayered observations would make him an equally witty conversationalist. This got him invited to the most swank of parties, even an invite to Arkazanthal's annual lavish Welcome Day Ball in '66. Unforunately the social pressures proved to be more than he could handle, and so began the infamous Dragonapple Wine Bender.

It seems obvious to me that Mycho Eharb is a symbol for Tycho Brahe himself and the character gives us particular insight into the personality of Mr. Brahe. Alas, I seem to have somehow misplaced my copy of Book 6 wherein Mycho gets more facetime than anywhere else in the cycle. I would appreciate it if someone less careless than myself could flesh out his character page a bit, as he always was one of my favorites. -256
How the heck did you come to that crazy conclusion? Are you bonkers? Off your rocker? Nutty to the max? -TychoCelchuuu