
Money Plane

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 7 months ago

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The Money Plane

Nearly all human actions are felt throughout planes different than the one which they inhabit. This is especially true with the realm of the financial... all those imaginary things that make the world tick are made real here. Accounts, futures, markets and shares are reified, and allowed to be fought over in financial terms. This means that the Accountant, which is regarded as a nice inside job with no heavy lifting, is actually quite harrowing. Not like you can judge. You've never had an Elemenstor order your squad to takeover a reasonably large delivery company all by your lonesome. You've never had your squad fired one-by-one by a lone pink-slipper. And once you found the bastard, you've never been tempted to strip him of some assets. And you've never woken up in a cold sweat, dreaming about his widening eyes, his bloodcurdling scream, as you foreclosed on his mortgage.

The Money Plane is layered in rather closely to Pylea

See Also:

*Financial Wars

*Battle of the Fish Markets

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