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Lord Quintak Hoch

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 4 months ago

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Lord Quintak Hoch

Quintak Hoch began life as the son of a lord in the kingdom of Alfafanar on the Sickle before The Unsundering. After his father's death in the Unsundering, Quintak took over as lord of his father's lands. During the Century of Fire, Lord Quintak Hoch became a rapidly rising star in the ranks of the Item Law Makers Guild due to his political aptitude, massive wealth (which he managed to maintain by selling weapons to the War Men and to nations who were afraid of the War Men), latent skills as a Stoner and knack for item creation.

However this rapid rise to the very top of the most powerful organization on Battal after the destruction of the armies of Char Reyarteb and Lord Kinlo caused him and coorespondingly the Item Guild to become haugty and arrogant. So much was their hubris that they began to ignore the time honored Item Laws and began to confiscate items that were cool and useful in order to horde them and make themselves more powerful. It was during this time the the Item Law Makers Guild moved its headquarters to the remnants of the Great Stronghold of Anhelm using the fragments of this once great stronghold to protect their new treasures and power.

Eventually the ILGM tried to confiscate the items in the possession of Welregar of Ebonshire and Lady B'gt'ts. Welregar and Lady B'gt'ts resisted the advances of the ILGM and formed a counter organization called the Falchion Faction, which used as its rallying point The Forgotten Falchion (Note: The only reason this is even remembered correctly and treated as canonical fact is that the book The Forgotten Faction covers this time period). The forces of the Falchion Faction fought against the ILGM defeating them in every encounter due to the prowess of the Faction members. Finally they confront the source of the problem, Lord Quintak Hoch. However in the final battle with Lord Hoch, Welregar and his weapon, the Triskaidekaphilia, fail as the might of the items that Lord Hoch possessed and Lord Hoch's own powers as a Stoner overwhelm him. In a last ditch effort to save her lover, Lady B'gt'ts managed to get the other Elemenstors in the group, Korbrin Terribluth and Benedeir the Mediocre, to focus their power through the Forgotten Falchion. This caused everyone in a 20 mile area around the fortress to loose their memories of the past 3 months, except for Lord Quintak Hoch who has his entire memory erased. After this event the Faction disbands not quite sure what just happened but feeling like they accomplished something great.

For the ILGM, those who remained returned the items that had been confiscated to their rightful owners, not really sure why they had them in the first place. Lord Quintak Hoch was still Grand Chief Itemstrator, but he was ineffectual until he managed to relearn all the knowledge (not his own past, but all the book knowledge) that he had lost. After retaking the reigns of the ILGM in 20,034 he is able to lead a stable organization until the ILGM began to run out of Item Names, which is covered in the book Quintak's Burden. As a solution it is decided that to get more names the ILGM must allow items made via [Dark Elemenstation}. This causes the release of many dangerous items out into the market, however no one notices until Anglewood Merriment purchases a Kago's Enchanted Necropuppied Circlet of Witherance. It is then that he discovers the ILGM's treachery. He manages to cut through the red tape, bureaucracy and Item Death Squads to discover that it was Lord Hoch himself who approved the High Item Law Makers plan and infact was slowly becoming a Dark Elemenstor himself. In an epic battle Lord Hoch is finally killed and Anglewood manages to get the ILGM to pass Law 49 and 50

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