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Bogyn's Nastiness Rating: 62 (Horrifically Nasty)

There are several varieties of Lizardmen in Battal, all are a breed of Half Lizard - Half Man creatures that walk upright, have speech, and organize into societies of varying levels of civility and sophistication.

Generally considered to be rather evil, they are intelligent enough that they can be reasoned with. Trade between lizardmen and other races exists in some regions. It is the subject of debate whether Lizardmen are actually evil, or if they are just jerks.

Brown Lizardmen

The Lizardmen Hunters of the Deserts

Blending in with their vegetatively-challenged surroundings, the Brown Lizardmen were natural experts of stealth and expert hunters. They were predominantly found in the wastes of Portund, a harsh land whose landscape varied from a hot, baked dry plain in the summer to treacherous mucky mud flats in the winter. Brown Lizardmen, who hibernate beneath the mud during the cold and wet seasons, use this burrowing technique to great advantage in hunting as well. They were quite a nuisance to the Dog Killer Herd of the Minotaur, who usually referred to them as Hissing Mud-Dogs.

Brown Lizardmen are the givers of Lizardmen Bites (also the name of a wizbits themed snack food) which spreads Reptitilitus. Minotaur who are affected by the bites tend to fall into a feral savagery that is known by their shaman as Dog Fever. The only known cure for the disease was to crush the skull of the infected with a large hammer.

Blue Lizardmen

The Wizened Lizardmen of the Cold Wastes

More cunning and crafty, and skilled in writing, many languages, and magic, the Blue Lizardmen, in their furry pelts of the giant Wooly Antelope, inhabit the cold northern and high mountainous areas of The Shielded Country. Though quite adept at dealing with these frozen climates, they are still as susceptible to the effects of low tempearature as any ectotherm. Blue Lizardmen talk, move and think notoriously slowly. Their hostile tribes would often wait in ambush for weary travelers, but often would miss their opportunity to attack by several hours, or sometimes days. They are among the least threatening of any of the people of the mountains.

Red Lizardmen

The Dragonmen Forgers of the Lava Flats

It is considered extremely offensive to call a Red Lizardman anything other than a Dragonman or Half-Dragon, even though they actually bear no more relation to dragons than to their cousins of different colors, which is to say, no relationship at all.

Grey Lizardmen

The Nomadic Lizardmen of the Lost Kingdom

No longer centrally located, the Grey Lizardmen travel the lands, some spreading chaos or evil, others simply traveling merchants or mercenaries. A few tribes specialized in following mammalian nomads around for the purposes of jeering at their hair, warm blood, and nipples. Grey Lizardmen are known throughout The Lands as being "complete jerks".

Fan Fiction

A lizardman fan fic can be found here: http://storywrite.com/story/show/44806

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