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House of Char

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 5 months ago

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The House of Char

The House of Char is an eight-part Wizbits comics mini-series which will begin in July 2007.

In it, it is discovered that Char Reyarteb discovers he has a long-lost daughter, Mab Reyarteb, who is the only Elemenstor of the The Unspeakable, which drives her insane and causes her to use the Allsoul of Battal itself to rewrite reality so that Char Reyarteb is the overlord of Battal.

Jerry Chang refused the position of head writer for this miniseries, as he had already gone on-record in support of Countdown to Infinite Wizbits as the final fix for continuity in Battal. The offer was then extended to Melissa Eberhart, who has promised that the series will "make readers crap and jizz their pants at the same time". The series is the brainchild of marketers at Multigame Corp, who have hinted at that the series will have long-lasting effects on the continuity of Battal, greatly reducing the numbers of Elemenstors and Furniliars active in Battal to only a few hundred.

The series is to be followed by 2-issue special called "House of Char: Screwed Over", which depicts many Elemenstors dealing with the loss of the Knack, and deciding where their former Furniliars (now de-Transchanted back into regular furniture) will look good in the den.

According to Multigame Corp, the series was a follow-up to Countdown to Infinite Wizbits, which would ostensibly clean up any and all remaining continuity issues by having Mab rewrite reality completely. It is also supposed to make individual Elemenstors and Furniliars more "special" because the marketing team decided that a good way to do that would be to force 99% of the fandom's favorites to be turned into peasants.

One of the writers of House of Char has been quoted as saying "We will retcon Tycho Brahe's epic out of existence if necessary for our artistic vision!" This comment that has led some fans to belive that House of Char is a plot initiated by TSotS infiltrators, aimed at undermining Brahe's importance in Battal continuity.


While I don't doubt that they really are going to release this, I don't see how they're going to make such a drastic change to this point in the timeline... I mean, wouldn't this invalidate the entire elemenstor cycle that takes place immediately after this? And what about the unlight war or the eloth comic, not to mention a myriad of other properties and projects that are ongoing. I guess Multigame has always had sort of a different vision than the realmworlds publishing branch, but this really takes the cake. -Ploki
Well, don't forget the sequel series, In Which We Quietly Retcon House of Char. I've got that preordered! -Jute Mill
...I think I have it preordered. Do you usually get preorder tickets scribbled on bark? - J to the M
I'm really upset that they want to depower most of Battal because they think it will make a couple hundred Elemenstors more "special". One of the great things about the franchise is how many interesting and powerful indviduals there are! But then again, this will piss off the Furnies too, so maybe it is for the best. - Zeta

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