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Hal Robinson

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 4 months ago

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Hal Robinson

Author of The Journey of Wolfgang Apprentice, Tales of the Forever Road, and The Knowledge Smith, Hal Robinson (born Hector T. Robinson in Nasty, Herdforshire, UK) is thought of as one of the authors of the concept of the more modern version of Battal. Robinson is a British citizen, which influenced his visions of the saga.

In Robinson's novels the hero is often called 'a failure', or 'a loser', both being probably quotes from Tycho Brahe describing Hal Robinson. (I do not want to spoil 'Tales', but you all know what Zik does there). The hero does achieve success, at least some success, but there are some goals which he might not reach. Those heroes have been sometimes described as Epically Challenged.

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