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Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 4 months ago

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A misguided experiment by several Wizards to create a new creature that was half pet, half servant, and half warrior. That's three halves, but the wizards of Farnsworth's Tower didn't seem to be concerned about this. Gnolls are a cross between the harmless garden residents: Gnomes, and the aggressive Trolls.

And for reasons nobody can explain, hyenas.

Generally, Gnolls are humanoid creatues the size of a small man, with the heads and necks of hyenas, a bulbous gnome-like nose, and a solid, muscular body with claws on their hind feet.

Gnolls live in burrows under knolls, called "Gnoll Knolls". They are of limited intelligence and only emerge at night to hunt.

Of note is that the phases of the moon effect a Gnoll's behavior. While the moon is wanning, Gnolls behave much like hyenas - they hunt in packs, forget how to use tools, and are led by an alpha female. When the moon is waxing, Gnolls behave much like trolls - traveling to urban enviroments and living in cupboards or stomping around mountains.

On nights of the full moon and new moon, gnolls have their gnome heritage take over - which makes them want to eat only vegetables, play with children and fuzzy animals, and work in gardens.

Because of their confusing heritage and lack of intelligence, Gnolls were almost entirely extinct by 14,322.

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