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Other Names
- Creator of the Ecreekem
- The Leaping Flute
- The Doll-Maker
- The Smited
Known Relations
Creator of the clay and wooden men the Ecreekem, who drew them forth from the Plains of Estereem. Gespechio is commonly depicted as a large man dancing and wearing an overly large hat, helmet or vizor. From his Marvelous Fanny Pack of Many Colors, he could draw all manner of tenderized victuals and curative ointments (for inorganic lifeforms), such as Linseed Oil Droplets and Heavily Lacquered Brownies. These are not to be confused with the humorless and posture-obsessed Lacquered Browniefolk.
Gespechio is frequenltly shown holding a flute and standing on one foot or leaping through the air. Contemporary interpretative dance troupe Pappa Tarahumara captured the surprisingly graceful essence of the figure in their children's piece Ecreekem Dream, which delighted, confused and put countless children to sleep. It is rumored that the Cirque de Soleil was planning a touring act called Gesspechiko! until Realmworlds threatened legal action.
And down came Gespechio from the Summit of The Skies, wrapped in the sun's glory. He was but a child gifted with the spark of creation, gifted with the ability to make alive that which was dead and broken. To the plains of Estereem he looked, and there he fashioned creatures out of dry wood and clay and gave to them the gift of life. He called them Ecreekem, and they were blessed by his presence. (Elemenstor 3:3)
The only information about Gespechio's childhood suggests that it was an unhappy one. His terrifying, thousand-armed half sister of death Kalechio appears to have mercilessly mocked him for his gentle nature and love of dolls, as indicated in the flavor text for the card Gespechio's Shout:
Gespeshioooo, Kalechio bit the heads off of my Ecreekem and fashioned them into a belt with which to terrify mortals again! ~ The Young Gespechio
- Feuilliton of Remembrencestation
The story of Gespechio's ultimate destruction is found in the extremely challenging chapter entitled the "Feuilliton of Remembrencestation" in Book 10, pages 347 to 419. To summarize: in time, the affection that the Ecreekem felt for Gespechio developed into ceremonial worship called Gespechianism. In the first phase, lasting thousands of years, they danced with Gespechio himself, or danced around a statue of him. They then trimmed either his fingernails or mock fingernails on the statues and pretended to eat them. Eventually, the dancing was eliminated and was replaced by a prolonged "fingernail ritual" lasting up to 333 Elim. The Hierarchs took issue with none of this. However, after thousands of years of somnambulent ceremonies, the Ecreekem and Gespechio began to tire of the practice. Gespechio retreated into his workshop, where he attempted to fashion a new race of beings out of sleds. Meanwhile, attendence at fingernail rituals steadily declined. Some Ecreek reformers attempted to repopularize the ceremony by enlivening them with currents from Ecreekem popular culture, notably a form of highly emotive Ecreek Polkapop that was all the rage at the time. This enraged the Hierarchs, who declared:
Lo, what is that jangling, that hipping and hopping and boomping and bomping wafting from the plains of the Ecreekem, awakening us from our slumber? Fetch for us our smiting sticks! (Weighty Tome of Elemenstor (12:3-4). Cited in
Book 10 p. 355
Gespechio did not fare well in the ensuing smiting.
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