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Fancy Men
Born randomly of regular men (about one in ten some say). Fancy men differ from regular men in that they take pride in their apperance, always smell nice, and have an appreciation of the fancier things. Though admired by the Women Folk, they show no interest in human women, and have great fear of Particularly Unwomenly Women Folk. It is assumed that they have, as yet undiscoved by regular man, Fancy Women waiting for them at home.
Fancy men make truly excellent hair dressers, interior designers, listeners, and friends of both men and Women Folk alike. Indeed it seems that all male platonic friends of wenches are Fancy Men.
Fancy Men generally enjoy vacationing in the Gayzor Mountains, particularly savoring the grand sport of Ga Y'zor.
For reasons never made clear Fancy Men are not allowed to participate in Orthodox Vuksveufa.
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