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Erotic Lovers Of The Hierarchs: The Enticement Saga

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 5 months ago

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Erotic Lovers Of The Hierarchs: The Enticement Saga

Not for minors under 18

Should appeal to males age 13 to 17

Tells the story of the Elemenstor Lukas Dragonhorn and his adventures with the Ice Princesses of Northarbor, the Buxom Succubi of Darkrend Mountain and finally and terrifyingly the Leather Queens of Heelspike Tower, keepers of the ancient Armor of Fullchesthood. This series will feature beautiful covers with as much flesh as possible and have color plates in the pages as illustrations. They may even be wipe-clean. The author has not been confirmed but seems likely to be the first professional outing for The Removalists.

Note: Some early reports of Furnication should cause caution in the more cautious reader.

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