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Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 5 months ago

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A tranquil Dwarven village in the Mardath Highlands of western Mandleclang.

The first of the Forge-Kings to make Dwarfsdown his seat of power was Ungrata the Unforger.

Home of Dthr'nex.

In Book 3 it is razed by Evilnor

Everyone in the party knew that as soon as they rounded the bend it the path, the forest gave way and the valley stretched out before them. Dwarfsdown, with its warm mugs of mead and scratchy beds of hay would be waiting to welcome them back after these too long days of journey.

Gavment noted a satchel lying beside the trail that appeared to have been dropped in haste. As he bent down a shrill and girlish shriek pierced the chill air of early evening. He looked up and High Culimancer Bertrick was standing just ahead of him on the path, one hand covering his mouth, and another pointing into the valley, and just out of Gavment's view. It was then that Gavment saw the black smoke which was drifting lazily above the trees.

-- Book 3

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