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Dread Dyemon Lord Jgorloruy, Harbinger of Corruption

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 5 months ago

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Dread Dyemon Lord Jgorloruy, Harbinger of Corruption




Other Names

  • The Epically Evil One
  • Corrupter of All
  • Enemy of All Good Beings

Known Relations

  • None


Said to have existed since a few days before the beginning of time, the Dread Dyemon Lord Jgorloruy, Harbinger of Corruption is considered to be the epitome, and even the essence, of evil itself. It was DDLJ,HoC who is often credited with setting life on its usually inevitable path to death, and causing all life to yearn for the energy and flesh of each other. Needless to say, DDLJ,HoC seldom ventures from its lair on the lowest depths of The Nastiest of the Nastiest Planes, knowing that every hero in the multiverse is bent on slaying it.

The ancient Cult of Jgorloruy is known to be particularly nefarious. They regularly commit heinous acts in the name of their dark lord including but not limited to kidnapping/torturing/sacrificing/violating/robbing children/damsels in distress/old people/kittens/monkeys/furniliars. Really these are not very nice people.


  • The Book of Corruption

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