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Door Seven and a Half

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 4 months ago

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Door Seven and a Half

Located inside the Cerulean Citadel, the "Door Seven and a Half", as it has become known, is a hidden door located between rooms seven and eight in the Cerulean Citadel. Behind the mantleplace, is a strange door that was not in the plans of the Four Underdogs.

Entering the door will allow the user to enter the body of a randomly-chosen 44-year old somewhere in Battal for 30 minutes, after which the person is spit out on Joisey's east side.

A few of these strangely fated people have included: Cheryl Tonniston, Wallace Arden, Sofa Sophia, and Clavicus the Flatulent.

The Four Underdogs spent years trying to puzzle out the meaning of the door's existance, as it's prescence was a total mystery to even the builders of the Cerulean Citadel.

The door is kept securely hidden, for if anyone powerful ever happened to be one of the chosen ones, the consequences could be dire.


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