
Complete List of Elements

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 9 months ago

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Complete List of Elements

also refer to Classification Chart.


1. Voidnes

2. Epic

3. Timenes

4. Spacenes


5. Farth

6. Eir

7. Wir

8. Airth


9. Fire

10. Earth

11. Water/Ice

12. Air

Secondary Elements

13. Life

14. Death

15. Stream

16. Carry

Point Elements

Elements on points of the equidistant locus of primary/secondary elements relative to the octahedric hyperprism hypothesis (theoretical)

17. Blood

18. Unlight

19. The Unspeakable

20. Heart (heavily debated)



These are elements which are Subelements of Life


21. blood

22. phlegm

23. choler

24. melancholy


25. Yorine

26. Chloro

27. Puss


These are elements which are Subelements of Stream

28. Lead Plumbing

29. Ceramic Tile

30. Copper and Ceramic Tubs

31. Polished Brass Towel-Holders

Segment 3 Tertiary Elements

32. Lightning

33. Lighting

34. Dust

35. Cardboard

36. Metal

37. Gravity

38. Holy

The Segment 4 Tertiary Element

41. Ned

Sensory Elements

These are elements which affect the world as it is percieved by certain senses and the functions of the senses themselves.

42. Sight

43. Sound

44. Touch

45. Scent

46. Taste

47. Fribulous

Genome Elements

These are elements which are Subelements of Life

Fauna Elements

48. Mammal

49. Bird

50. Reptile

51. Insect

52. Fish

Flora Elements

53. Algae

54. Trees

55. Shrubs

56. Ferns

Fungi Elements

57. Mushrooms

58. Moulds

Landscape Elements

Elements used by Geographymenstors as location demands it.

59. Forest

60. Plains

61. Desert

62. Sky

63. Cave

64. Volcano

65. Arctic

66. Jungle

67. Ocean

68. Mountain

69. Swamp

70. Urban

Cosmic Elements

71. Sun

72. Moon

73. Star

74. Planet

75. Comet

76. Black Hole


These are elements which are Subelements of Metal

81. Meteoric Iron

82. Iyorn

83. Jessicstan

84. Rystran

85. Silverstone

Logical Elements

98. And

99. Or

100. Not

101. Nand

102. Nor

103. Xor

104. Xnor


There are exactly one hundred and twenty of these elements. Therefore, by the numbering system used on this page, the last Quarternary element is number 259. See also Quarternary Elements.


These are elements which can be manifested in known concrete tangible ways.

140. Steam (debated)

141. Alcohol

142. Swords

143. frozen pee

144. Roots

145. Peanut

146. rubian

147. Dark Rubian

148. Vernynut-glue

149. Wood

150. Xoil

151. Cheese

152. santorum

153. hats

154. Meat

155. T-shirt

156. Bishop

157. Trough

158. Hash

159. Tripe

160. Ash

161. Black Ice

162. Brine

163. PVC

164. Butterscotch

165. La'un Furniture

166. Flags

167. Wicca

168. Raven

169. Disinfectant Scrubbing Bubbles (malleable element)

170. Fire Used for Heating Water (malleable element)

171. Towels (malleable element)

172. Poison

173. Clockwork

174. Dung

175. Stupid Bears


These are elements with no reliably known manifestation other than in a strictly ideological sense.

180. mysterious

181. Confusion

182. Chocolate

183. Hair

184. Teeth

185. Quilder

186. Gravy

187. Helplessness

188. Slake

189. Linux

190. Brainmanglement

191. Hipness

192. Longevity

193. Pathos

194. Victory

195. Asswhumping

196. Creation

197. Appetite

198. Imagination

199. Element of Surprise

200. Hap

201. Stupidity

202. Wang

203. Novelty

204. Awesome

205. Magic

206. Lame

207. Syntax

208. Sleep

209. Plainess

210. Muscle

211. Speed

212. Luck

213. Marketing


These are POSSIBLY Subelements of Heart

214. Hate

215. Joy

216. Sorrow

217. Anger

218. Pleasure

219. Hope

220. Love

Tagentially Corporeal

These elements have a physical manifestation, but the element itself is a representation of an idea or concept.

221. Beam

222. Housing

223. Triangles

224. Stink

225. Hasp

226. Mauve

227. Money

228. Art

229. Crap

230. Randomness

231. Numbers

231. Size

232. Shape


These elements are smebular. See also smebularity.

240. Three

241. Parapet

242. Monologue

243. Eerht

244. Glavin

245. Narration

Narrativium Elements

These are Subelements of Narration

246. Adventure

247. Fantastic

248. Horror

249. Comedy

250. Romance


These are elements so unpopular among Elemenstors that they have been shunted down to their own major category. See also Quinternary Elements.

260. Not-so-nifty White Lightning

261. Dead Baby Jokes

262. Noodles

263. The Speakable

264. the frozen cream of a pickle

Non-Canon Elements

Doesn't fit with the overarching plotline of the ELotH:tES universe, but is represented enough in merchadise/fanfiction to deserve mentioning

Feel free to add or rearrange as is needed. Also does anybody know how to make a broken numbered list? - Quizatzhaderac


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