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ElemenstorLance: Chaos Resplendent: a Time for Blood
Like most of the rest of the Pentadecaphron, this book is considered nearly unreadably bad by fans of the original Elemenstor Cycle. It is a little more readable than Serial Experiments: Chair, a lot less readable than Cryoclasm on Aeropyre Peak, and about on par with the necrophiliac bloodbath that introduced the Pentadecaphron, The Doom of All Things and the End of Time. It is actually best known for its introduction of the heroic Gromdar Clamding, one of the only characters to make it out of the Pentadecaphron and into something written by adults (specifically, Thorogaster, Mark II: Electric Boogaloo).
This book details the rise of X, a boy of the Dugba Scissor Tribe who comes to power as one of The Twelve Scourges of Battal. As the author actually explains at seventeen points throughout the book:
Remember, you can't now X's akshool name becuase hes so powerfull that if you even say it you will die a horrible screaming death where you throw up blood and if you say it 3 times in fron of a mirror in the darck he will come and get you just like Freddy Cougar so watch out.
Also the "Legendary Furniliar" makes three appearances. It never does anything. No one knows what it is supposed to represent, much less why it keeps asking if anyone has any sweet-smelling Almond Fiends for it to befriend. Most of the chapters are actually adapted from El-Slash and Lord Kinlo Fan Fiction, spiced up with a bit of swearing, bloody violence, and anatomically questionable sex after all the character names have been replaced, seemingly at random. In the end, Gromdar Clamding kills X and horrifically dismembers the corpse. Even the author seems unsure as to why.
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