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The Ronardian Calendar

The primary calendar system used in the Elemenstor Saga is the Ronardian Calendar, so called because it was introduced by the first Magic Sword King, King Ronard. It was devised by his scientific advisors in (what retroactively became) the year R.C. 33 to bring together and infuse with a more rigorous structure what had hitherto been an unruly variety of varyingly inaccurate and wholly incompatible time measurement systems.

The relative stability and general usefulness of the Ronardian Calendar kept it in widespread use for more than twenty thousand years, with isolated references to the Ronardian Calendar cropping up as late as The Unlight War and, on at least one occasion, before Ronard was even born. For this reason, Battalian historians, Chronosorcellors* and real-world ELotH:TES fans use it almost exclusively, rendering dates into the Ronardian Calendar wherever possible for consistency's sake.

Ronardian Months

"Months" is a corruption of "menths", the menth being the unit of time used by Men prior to the introduction of the Ronardian Calendar. The Battal year has six months:

  1. Primanary
  2. Friginary
  3. Medianary
  4. Postmedianary
  5. Tropinary
  6. Canary (formerly Globenster. anybody remember why they changed this?)

Each month can last anywhere from 25 to 85 days, depending on whether it is a Slippery Year, a Scratchy Year, or somewhere inbetween (see Battal Cycle). For instance, here is a calendar for the Year 10,550 TS, which had 307 days:

Primanary: 51 days

Friginary: 50 days

Medianary: 52 days

Postmedianary: 51 days

Tropinary: 51 days

Canary: 52 days

Ronardian Weeks

The "weeks" concept was taken from Elven calendar tradition. A Battal week has 13 days, with each day being "ruled" by a different planet in the Battal night sky.

The days of the week are named:

  1. Airthday (ruled by Airth), also called Svunday by the Quilp... see Quilpay
  2. Aplatzday (ruled by Aplatz)
  3. Battalday (ruled by Chmrkgzx, but since that's unpronouncable, the day is Battalday)
  4. Eirday (ruled by Eir)
  5. Farthday (ruled by Farth)
  6. Gespeshday (ruled by Gespeshio)
  7. Makroday (ruled by Makrodon)
  8. Neenerday (ruled by Neener)
  9. Philipday (ruled by Phillip)
  10. Gwendsday (ruled by Qualvoo... also referred to as the Gwend Star)
  11. Ronarday (ruled by Ronard)
  12. Teejiffday (ruled by Wir... also referred to as the Teejiff Star)
  13. Zonarday (ruled by Zonard)

Source: The World of Battal Sourcebook

Other calendars

Prior to the introduction of the Ronardian Calendar, each of the major races of Battal - Dwarves, Elves and Men - as well as most of the minor ones had its own calendar, such as the Wanks for example, measuring time from some significant time in their past. Men, for example, numbered their menths and menthols from the coming of Humankind to Battal, while Dwarves counted the number of (7-day) Dwarfish weeks since their discovery of the existence of rock.

The Ronardian Calendar began to fall out of use in the mid-25,000s in the lead-up to The Resundering and was almost completely forgotten by the end of the Unlight War (now believed to have occurred in R.C. 27,522). Dates beyond this point in canon are usually given relative to this time - for example, Armba Alomba's awakening is given as "two hundred years after the Unlight War ended".

See also Eagle Time.

* Technically, the Chronoclave uses the Dranorian Calendar which uses the birth year of Brother Dranor as year 0. Given the fact that Ronard was born in Primanary, and Dranor was born in Tropinary of the same year, most scholars would say that there is no different between the calendars, but the Chronoclave insist that the different is very important.