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Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 5 months ago
This page is a contributor profile.
It doesn't really have much do to with the rest of the wiki, other than be a place for this contributor to put their stuff.
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I was so excited when I found this wiki! Finding a good, centralized source of ELotH:TES-related information has been really difficult. I'm glad the fan community has finally decided to shed its elitism and make the secrets of ELotH:TES available to the masses.

My friends don't have a clue about ELotH:TES, some of them don't even know it exists! Finally I can share my accumulated knowledge and enthusiasm with others who think like me.

Some of the topics I've contributed to, in no particular order:

Kapybara the Dark Elemenstrix

Harmless Elemenstation

Y wyshe to flye (aka. Synge lyek the troobadyrse)

Zuumont - My favorite Elemenstor.


The Anti-Climax of Northeastern Crestplains

Nepanor the Nonchalant

The Daunting Turban

The Story That Is Built One Sentence At a Time By Those That Read It

Anagrams in The Wizbits Cartoon

Review of 'The Elemenstor Cycle, Book 3: The Rubion Sword' by Charlton C. Mayze

Battle of The Very, Very, Very, Very Arcane Northern Realms

Battle of The Six Undoings and Five Redoings


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