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Anagrams in The Wizbits Cartoon
(See also Brahe Code )
The Wizbits Season 1 episode 'A Warm Welcome' introduced an inn called By the Roach. Attentive fans quickly realized that this is in fact an anagram of Tycho Brahe, which sparked an excited hunt for other anagrams throughout the series. As it turned out, the episodes are rich with anagrams that pay homage to the creator of the 'Elemenstor Cycle' and the world he created, including the recurring Hay Botcher character and Penny's Coy Herb Hat in Season 2.
Later on, fans noticed that similar anagrams were hidden in the dialogue. Every hardcore ELotH:TES enthusiast recognizes the phrases "Ah, by Hector?", "Hey, hot crab!" and "Try Beach, Ho". They are often used as funny one-liners between fans and are also featured in a line of The Wizbits T-shirts.
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