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A Rock

Page history last edited by Tim 16 years, 4 months ago

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A Rock

Do not confuse A Rock for any old rock, not even a Peppered Wang Rock. It is a weapon of unimaginable destructive power. Its power is so unimaginable that the great Elemenstor Derrek the Imaginer got a headache after trying to imagine how powerful it could be.

Simply put, if one throws A Rock, A Rock will continue in that direction for all of time, circling the world never ceasing, obliterating anything in its path. Many have fallen under its crushing unstoppable force. Entire nations are left in ruins at its passing. It can only be stopped by one thing: A Piece of Paper. A Rock is especially effective against A Pair of Scissors.

Bowler the Knitter-of-Scarfs-with-Cute-Bunnies-on-them was the first to throw A Rock while travelling through the Highest Plane. It laid waste to five kingdoms and seven townships. Rumors persist that it also hit A Chicken, which then proceeded to annihilate even more kingdoms and townships (along with several thousand civilians), but these rumors are unsubstantiated.

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