
120 Days of Wang

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120 Days of Wang

by R L Stine

120 Days of Wang is quite possibly one of the most reviled works of fiction to ever come out of the ELotH:TES saga franchise. It is confusing, disgusting, terrifying, and nonsensical in every way, shape, and form.

The novel begins innocently enough, with Grand Elemenstor Raffleston adopting a girl from the Wang Kingdom. However, their relationship soon becomes strained after she uses her Psicho powers to kill off his extensive collection of thoroughbred Horses. Furthermore, after catching her peeing standing up, he is horrified to learn that she posesses "both sets of parts", if you catch the drift. Also, she was peeing on his antique toy collection while pyrokinetically roasting his memoirs and swinging the cat around by its tail.

He chucks her down a well, unknowningly transforming her into a Hermaphroditic Undead Well-Dwelling Girl, with horrible consequences. For years later, a publishing house is conviently built over the well, allowing her to cause those inside to print a book called the "120 Days of Wang", which is a horrible erotic horror novel feauturing tons of bondage and sadism.

Meanwhile, apparently she was somehow able to split herself into two parts, as her other half joins an erotic sexual Vampyre circus and begins using her multitude of genitalia to perform horrible sexual acts with men, boys, little girls, old women, and chickens. All forms of horrible perverse sexual acts are performed for only a pittance of cash.

Simultaneously, we learn that an Arteest's son's daughter's cousin's nephew has read 120 Days of Wang and died 120 days later while trying to perform sexual acts at a petting zoo. Her investigations soon send her after the strange Psicho girl after she too reads the book and finds herself with only 120 Days to live.

In the end, the Psicho girl impregnates all of Battal (even the men) with her demon seed, creating an army of perverse, undead Psichos that wipe out all life on the planet in a giant orgy.

However, the last chapter reveals that the whole book may have been nothing more than the perverse fantasies of Raffleston, although the reader is cautioned that they beware of their libido around petting zoos during the next 120 days.

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